Who Are Consulting Pharmacists?

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JC Rx Consulting
Image: jcrxconsulting.com

A certified consultant pharmacist, Joseph Chebli serves as managing member and executive director of JC Rx Consulting, LLC, based in Belle Mead, New Jersey. In addition, Joseph Chebli is an adjunct assistant professor at Felician College in Lodi, New Jersey, where he teaches courses on the moral and spiritual dimensions of health care.

Most people deal with a pharmacist in a retail setting when they pick up their prescriptions. While this is perhaps the largest segment of professionals, there are other pharmacists who lend their expertise to patient groups and other organizations. These professionals are known as consulting pharmacists.

Often in the geriatric care setting, consulting pharmacists help senior adults make informed decisions about the medications they are using. They do this through a one-on-one relationship in which the consulting pharmacists tailor their expert advice based on the patient’s health conditions, diet, and other relevant factors.

Consulting pharmacists also provide advice to healthcare professionals who prescribe medications, as well as those who oversee the dispensing of drugs.